What steps can I take to prevent my JavaScript code from interfering with my pre-established CSS styles?

I'm currently designing a mini-email platform that serves as a prototype rather than a fully functional application. The HTML file contains placeholder emails that have been styled to appear presentable. I've implemented an input bar and used JavaScript to filter and display emails based on the search query entered. However, my JavaScript code seems to disrupt the CSS styles I've applied, resulting in scattered email displays.

How can I ensure that my JavaScript code aligns with the predefined CSS styles?


 <section id="email">
    <div class = "date-container">


   display: flex;
   justify-content: space-between;
.email input[type= "text"]{
.text-attachment span:last-of-type>span img{
  width: 10px;
  height: 10px;
  transform: translateX(90px);
  display: none;


const searchEmail = document.querySelector('.search-email');

searchEmail.addEventListener('keyup', filterEmail);

function filterEmail (e){

Answer №1

To show your email, simply change email.style.display ='block' to email.style.display =''.

Additionally, it is advisable to adjust the width of your table and td elements using percentages to ensure consistent column widths regardless of content.

Answer №2

Upon reviewing your code, it appears that there is an issue with the JavaScript causing all the results to display in a single table column. This behavior is due to the if statement treating everything as a block. To resolve this issue, you simply need to adjust your logic:


const searchEmail = document.querySelector('.search-email');

searchEmail.addEventListener('keyup', filterEmail);

function filterEmail (e){
  const emailText = e.target.value.toLowerCase();
  document.querySelectorAll('.email-body').forEach((email) =>{
    const emailItem = email.innerHTML;
    if(emailItem.toLowerCase().indexOf(emailText) == -1)
      email.style.display ='none'
      email.style.display =''

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