In what ways can the current theme be utilized to optimize spacing?

Greetings everyone,

I need assistance with adding margins above and below a Button element.

Below is the relevant code snippet:

const useStyles = makeStyles(() => ({
  progress: {
    display: 'block',
    margin: 'auto',

return (
      <Typography variant="h3" component="h1" style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
      <FilterBar changeSortBy={setSortField} changeSortFormat={setSortDir} />
      {error?.toString() ||
        (loading && <CircularProgress className={classes.progress} />) || (
          <ScholarshipList scholarships={scholarships} />
       <Button mt={3} mb={3} </Button>

The material-ui documentation provides:

const theme = {
  spacing: 8,

<Box m={-2} /> // margin: -16px;

Instead of setting custom values, I want to utilize the existing theme defined in

const useStyles = makeStyles (() =>

How can I leverage the current theme of the web application to apply 24px margins above and below the button?

I have already included mt={3} and mb={3}. Now, how do I ensure that this results in 24px margins using the themes spacing value of 8?

Thank you!

Answer №1

Implementing MaterialUI's makeStyles with theme.spacing(3, 0)

Check out the live example on CodeSandbox:

To learn more about theme.spacing in MaterialUI, visit their documentation page here:

The default theme in MaterialUI comes with predefined properties, and the default value for theme.spacing is set to 8.

When using spacing in your application, you can specify a number to represent the value. For example, setting spacing = 12 would mean that writing padding: theme.spacing(2) would result in a CSS style of padding: 24px (12 * 2).

You can use this approach to define styles like:

buttonStyle: {
  margin: theme.spacing(3, 0) // 3 * 8 = 24px

And then apply it to a Button component like this:

<Button className={styles.buttonStyle}>
  Button Text

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