Fetching dynamic information via AJAX for a jQuery tooltip

I have successfully loaded content via AJAX, including a UL element with li items that each have tooltips. Now I want to load tooltip content via AJAX for each individual li item. How can I achieve this?

Currently, I am making an AJAX call to load the li items using the following code:

    //start AJAX request
        bs_url + '/ajax/' + ajax_action + '/', // server-side script
        ajax_params, // data for server-side script
        function(data, textStatus) {
            $("li", list_elm).remove();
            if (data) {

                // add the tooltip to AJAX loaded content
                $("ul#related_questions li a").tooltip();

Now, how can I make an AJAX call to load data specifically for each tooltip? Each <a> element within the li items has an id attribute value that I want to pass as a parameter to the AJAX function responsible for loading the tooltip content.

Below is the HTML snippet that is loaded via AJAX to populate the ul element with li items:

    foreach($this->related_queries_data as $o){
<li><a href="#" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getTitle()) ?>" id="id_<?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getId()) ?>" ><?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getTitle()); ?></a></li>

Answer №1

My solution involved utilizing the 'this' keyword, which points to the current element being hovered over, specifically an <a> tag. By leveraging this, I could access the unique ID stored in the 'id' attribute of each <a> element. Subsequently, I utilized jQuery to perform a GET request and fetch the content for the tooltip related to that particular ID.

Below is how my final JavaScript code was structured:

    // Initiating AJAX request
        bs_url + '/ajax/' + ajax_action + '/', // Server-side script
        ajax_params, // Data for server-side script
        function(data, textStatus) {
            // alert("Response Data Loaded");

            $("li", list_elm).remove();

            if (data) {

                // Adding tooltips to dynamically loaded content
                $("ul#related_questions li a").tooltip({
                    content: function(callback){
                        var query_id = this.id.substring('id_'.length)
                        var tooltip_content_ajax_action = 'get-query-info';
                        var tooltip_content_ajax_params = { 'query_id' : query_id}

                        // Getting HTML partial for given query_id
                            bs_url + '/ajax/' + tooltip_content_ajax_action + '/', // Server-side script
                            function(data, textStatus) {
                                if (data) {


Update: While the initial approach worked, it posed efficiency issues as triggering a tooltip would trigger a new AJAX request for its content, resulting in a noticeable delay (2-3 seconds) before loading. To address this, I modified the implementation so that tooltip content was loaded during the initial AJAX call fetching the <li> elements. The content is encapsulated within a hidden div by default, which is then referenced in the tooltip plugin's callback for efficient loading.

    // Initiating AJAX request
        bs_url + '/ajax/' + ajax_action + '/', // Server-side script
        ajax_params, // Data for server-side script
        function(data, textStatus) {
            // alert("Response Data Loaded");

            $("li", list_elm).remove();

            if (data) {

                // Adding tooltips to dynamically loaded content
                $("ul#related_questions li a").tooltip({
                    content: function(callback){
                        var tooltip_content_div = $("div#query_" + this.id);


The following snippet represents the HTML fetched through the AJAX request:

    foreach($this->related_queries_data as $o){
    <a href="#" title="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getTitle()) ?>" id="id_<?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getId()) ?>" ><?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getTitle()); ?></a>
    <div id="query_id_<?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getId()) ?>" class="query_tooltip_content"><!-- set to display:none by default -->
        <div id="query_info">
            <div style="width:50%; float:left;">
                    <li><b>Raised by: </b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getRaisedUser()->getName())?></li>
                    <li><b>Raised on: </b><?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getRaised()->format('d-m-Y H:i:s'))?></li>

            <div style="width:50%; float:left;">
                    <li><b>Assigned to: </b><?php $oUser = $o['oQuery']->getAssignedUser(); echo htmlspecialchars(is_null($oUser)?'-':$oUser->getName());?></li>
                    <li><b>Status: </b><span class="<?php echo $o['oQuery']->getPriority()->getName() ?>"><?php echo htmlspecialchars($o['oQuery']->getStatus()->getDisplayName())?> <?php echo (!is_null($o['oQuery']->getDateQueryClosed()) ? ' on '.$o['oQuery']->getDateQueryClosed()->format('d-m-Y') : '') ?></span></li>

            <div style="clear:both;"></div>

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