Expanding the input range slider to fill the entire available space


    <input type="range" />

Inside a div, there is a range slider along with other fixed-width elements. The issue is that the range slider's percentage width causes it to have excessive margin as the page resolution increases. The goal is for the slider to occupy the remaining space in the div without affecting the other elements.

I am looking for a pure CSS/HTML solution to achieve this.

Answer №1

To implement a flexible display for each element in your play bar, simply apply the following CSS:

display: flex;

Next, make sure to add the flex-grow: 1; property to your slider bar.

This approach has been tested and proven to work successfully in Firefox browsers.

For those concerned about browser compatibility, it's worth mentioning that the flex property may not be fully supported in all browsers without utilizing vendor prefixes. Consider adding the following prefixes for better cross-browser support:

-webkit-flex: 1; /* Safari 6.1+ */

-ms-flex: 1;/* IE 10 */

Feel free to check out this live example on JSFiddle.

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