When applying a cell formatter to change the color of a Tabulator cell, the text displayed is being

I am attempting to dynamically change the color of a tabulator cell based on its input. My initial approach was to simply try changing the cell's color. After running the following code, here is what I observed:

function testFormatter(cell, formatterParams) {

    cell.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#A6A6DF";


This link shows how my table appears after applying the cell formatting

I may respond late, as this marks my first inquiry on StackOverflow and I am unsure about typical response times.

Answer №1

After some trial and error, I discovered the solution. Although it's not explicitly mentioned in the documentation, custom formatters must return a value in some manner.

To fix the issue, you simply need to implement the following code:

function customFormatter(cell, formatterParams) {
    var data = cell.getValue();
    cell.getElement().style.backgroundColor = "#A6A6DF";
    return data;

Answer №2

When formatting all cells:

    formatter: function (cell) {
        let val = cell.getValue();
        let el = cell.getElement();

        el.style.backgroundColor = "#A6A6DF";

        return val;

For a specific cell that meets a certain condition:

    formatter: function (cell) {
        let val = cell.getValue();
        let el = cell.getElement();

        if (val == "some text") {
            el.style.backgroundColor = "#A6A6DF";

        return val;

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