jQuery's draggable and resizable functionality with containment provisions is designed to

I'm struggling to create a resizable and draggable div using jQuery, but it's proving to be quite buggy in its implementation.

Despite finding similar questions, I haven't come across a solution yet.

  • How can I fix the containment bug when using resizable() and draggable() together in jQuery?
  • Resizing a JQuery Draggable element's containment parent while dragging

I've tried different position settings and experimented with the refreshPositions option, but nothing seems to work.

The issues I'm encountering include:

  • Moving the child item quickly (especially in circular movements) often causes it to break out of containment.
  • Dragging the child to the bottom right corner and repeatedly trying to drag it out of the corner gradually breaks the containment further with each iteration.
  • Once the containment is broken, you can continue dragging into that area on subsequent drags.

I've provided a simplified example which reproduces the problem consistently across all browsers, although the demo may not work well in IE 10 and Opera.

    containment: "parent",
    cursor: "move"
    handles: "se",
    containment: "parent",
    minHeight: 50,
    minWidth: 50

For a complete yet straightforward demonstration, check out this link.


Any suggestions on how to resolve this containment issue would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

There seems to be a glitch with the UI draggable feature itself, but it has already been documented here

To address this issue (particularly in the latest version of Chrome), you can try the following solutions:

  1. Add a 5px padding to the parent element, see demonstration here
  2. Add a 5px border to the parent element, see demonstration here
  3. Add a 5px margin to the child element, see demonstration here
  4. Combining any of the above methods for a 5px increase
  5. Add overflow:hidden to the parent element, see demonstration here. Strangely enough, this workaround appears to resolve the issue effectively

Note that the 5px adjustment may vary depending on your specific case. Experimentation may be required to determine the optimal value for your elements. In some instances, I observed that less padding or border width was needed, possibly influenced by the size of the elements. However, I confirmed that the fifth solution worked smoothly in their examples as well.

Answer №2

Utilizing the stop function within the draggable interaction, you have the ability to adjust the resizable parameters effectively. This method proved beneficial for me when encountering similar issues while trying to set containment on both resizable and draggable interactions.

It's worth noting that this approach also works seamlessly with a locked aspect ratio on the resizable interaction.


<div id="container" style="width: 320px; height: 240px; background-color: #000000;">
    <div id="subject" style="width: 240px; height: 180px; background-color: #ffffff;">

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        aspectRatio: 4 / 3,
        minHeight: 120,
        minWidth: 160,
        maxHeight: 240,
        maxWidth: 320
        containment: "#container",
        stop: function(evt, ui) {
            var container = jQuery("#container");
            var subject = jQuery("#subject");

            var containerPosition = container.position();
            var subjectPosition = subject.position();

            var relativeLeft = subjectPosition.left - containerPosition.left;
            var relativeTop = subjectPosition.top - containerPosition.top;

            var maxWidth = (container.width() - relativeLeft) | 0;
            var maxHeight = (container.height() - relativeTop) | 0;

            subject.resizable("option", "maxWidth", maxWidth);
            subject.resizable("option", "maxHeight", maxHeight);

Answer №3

Fixing a containment bug in jQuery when using resizable() and draggable() together: Even though this thread is closed, the solution provided recommends adding position:relative to the parent or container element.

Interestingly, using overflow:hidden did not yield positive results for one user (specifically in Firefox).

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