How can I create two left-aligned columns in CSS, with the first column being fixed in place?

Is there a way to create two columns without using HTML tables? I'm looking for the first column to contain an image and the second column to display text aligned left, extending to the rest of the page width.

I found this CSS solution for the first column:

#left_col {
        width: 650px;

However, I'm having trouble finding the right CSS for the second column. Most examples online show the second column as right-aligned. What's the best way in CSS to have two columns where the first is fixed and the second is aligned left (to the right of the picture)?

Answer №1

Consider using the following code snippet:

#photo, #description{
    position: relative;
#photo {
    top: 0;
    width: 500px;
#description {
    top: 0;
    left: 500px;
    right: 0;

Click here to view a demo.

Answer №2

Both of your columns will share the same CSS properties, with each column occupying half of the total width. This concept is rooted in a simple grid layout structure for beginners to explore further :)

Answer №3

Don't forget to visit, and remember to keep the width of the second column as auto. This will allow it to occupy the remaining space.

Answer №4

If I'm understanding correctly...


<div id="left_content">
    Some content here
<div id="main_content">
    More content here


#left_content {
    float: left;
    width: 650px;

#main_content {
    margin-left: 650px;


Live demo link

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