Tips for enabling autoplay for videos in Owl Carousel

I am facing an issue with implementing autoplay functionality for videos in an owl carousel. Despite trying different solutions found online, including this Owl Carousel VIDEO Autoplay doesn’t work, I haven't been able to make it work. Additionally, I have a requirement where the carousel should not transition to the next slide when a user is typing in the comment section located in a textarea within each slide. How can I achieve this? Thank you.

  <div class="owl-carousel  owl-theme slideHeighlight">
              <div class="item">
                 <figure class="fig-highlight">
                    <img src="Images/high1.jpg" />
                       <div class="highlight-cm">
                          <textarea class="txtarea-cm" rows="1" placeholder="send message"></textarea><button type="submit" class="btn btn-send btnhighlight" >send</button>
              <div class="item">
                 <figure class="fig-highlight">
                    <img src="Images/high2.jpg" />
                       <div class="highlight-cm">
                          <textarea class="txtarea-cm" rows="1" placeholder="send message"></textarea><button type="submit" class="btn btn-send btnhighlight" >send</button>
              <div class="item item-video">
                 <figure class="fig-highlight">
                       <source src="Images/video2.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
                       <div class="highlight-cm">
                          <textarea class="txtarea-cm" rows="1" placeholder="send message"></textarea><button type="submit" class="btn btn-send btnhighlight" >send</button>

Code snippet:

  rtl: true,
  margin: 10,
  nav: true,
  loop: false,
  autoplay: true,
  singleItem: true,
  video: true,
  responsive: {
     0: {
     567: {
     600: {
     900: {
        items: 1


        $(document).on('click', '.slideHeighlight', function () {
       if ($(this).next().hasClass('item-video')) {
        $(this).find(".fig-highlight video").play();

Answer №1

If you're looking for a solution, consider implementing the following code snippet:

Check out the demo here

 owl.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) {
   $(".owl-item video").each(function(index, value) {
     this.currentTime = 0;

   $(" video").each(function(index, value) {;

If the above doesn't work as expected, you may want to give this alternative approach a try:

$(".owl-item").each(function(index, value) {
     this.currentTime = 0;;

Answer №2

After discovering that some browsers are granted permission to autoplay video and sound without user interaction, I have added a play button for manual control.

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