Ways to maximize the amount of content contained within a box

My current struggle involves meeting the requirements of my customers. I have a small box (230px x 200px) with an image that will display a list on hover. However, the customer now wants more items in the list than can fit in the box. Scrolling within the overlay doesn't seem like the ideal solution, so I am seeking a different design approach.

While this may not be a technical coding question, I am hoping to tap into the expertise of the community for creative JavaScript/CSS solutions or plugins that could help solve this challenge.

Answer №1

If you or the client have the ability to adjust the amount of data being displayed, it is recommended to analyze the block size and its capacity in terms of characters. By doing so, the server script can be modified to handle data display based on these parameters instead of trying to force a fit from a design perspective which may not always be effective.

Alternatively, if altering the design itself is preferred, consider adjusting the font size and spacing dynamically based on the content length within each block. Although this approach may result in varying font sizes for each block, it can be implemented as long as the client does not express concerns about this aspect.

The following code snippet could be used with a default font size set to 16px:

<div class="infos">Some Text</div>
<div class="infos">Some Text</div>
<div class="infos">Some Text</div>

    x = $(this).html().length;
    roundValue = Math.round(x/160);
    fontSize = (roundValue>0)?16-roundValue:16;

Modifications should be made according to specific requirements.


Answer №2

If you're looking to make your image into a background using CSS, you can utilize the hide and show functions to control the visibility of your list when hovered over. This method allows for smooth transitions and effects without affecting the layout of your page.

I've put together a demo for you on jsfiddle with a placeholder image to demonstrate how it works. Let me know if this is the desired outcome you were hoping to achieve!

You can view the demo here: jsfiddle.net/mk5Tb/1/

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