Ways to prevent a background image from repeating in an HTML email without relying on CSS

I created a custom background picture, but when I tried to use it with CSS in Outlook, it didn't work. So, I added the picture directly into the body tag which allowed me to display it, but now it is repeating.

Even after trying to prevent the repetition using CSS background repeat: no-repeat;, I couldn't get it to work. Whenever I apply CSS to the background image, it doesn't show up in my email at all.

Is there a way to stop the background image from repeating in HTML without relying on CSS?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Answer №1

When it comes to email clients, they tend to struggle with interpreting CSS and other standards. For a better understanding of what is supported by the client you are focusing on, check out this list: .

Just remember, using images or complex markup in email messages will likely cause headaches and should be avoided whenever possible.

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