Creating a stylish gradient text color with Material-UI's <Typography /> component

Is there a way to apply a gradient font color to a <Typography /> component?

I've attempted the following:

const CustomColor = withStyles({
  root: {
    fontColor: "-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",

This approach did not yield the desired result. Following a tutorial from here, I then tried:

const CustomColor = withStyles({
  root: {
    fontSize: 20,
    background: "-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",
    webkitBackgroundClip: "text",
    WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent",

Although this method displayed some sort of gradient, it was not as expected.

Another attempt I made was:

<Typography style={{
    fontSize: 20,
    background: "-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",
    webkitBackgroundClip: "text",
    WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent",
  }}> Hello world! </Typography>

While this method somewhat worked, the gradient changed depending on the element's width, which is not desired. I prefer sticking to a solution using withStyles.

View an online demo here

Any suggestions or tips on what I may have overlooked?

Answer №1

make the change from webkitBackgroundClip to WebkitBackgroundClip. In JSS, it is important to use capital letters for webkit.

const CustomColor = withStyles({
  root: {
    fontSize: 20,
    background: "-webkit-linear-gradient(45deg, #FE6B8B 30%, #FF8E53 90%)",
    WebkitBackgroundClip: "text",
    WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent"

Check out the live demo here:

Answer №2

After experimenting for a while, I managed to come up with the following solution...

    backgroundcolor: "primary",
    backgroundImage: `linear-gradient(45deg, #5514B4, #FF80FF)`,
    backgroundSize: "100%",
    backgroundRepeat: "repeat",
    backgroundClip: "text",
    WebkitBackgroundClip: "text",
    WebkitTextFillColor: "transparent"

Check out the Codesandbox Example

Answer №3

After struggling to make it work with MUI, I finally found a solution that did the trick. The key was using backgroundImage instead of background like this:

WebkitBackgroundClip: 'text',
WebkitTextFillColor: 'transparent',
backgroundImage: '-webkit-linear-gradient(rgba(222, 53, 76, 0.8), rgba(226, 123, 27, 0.8))',

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