Use CSS to apply hover effects to multiple sections of text at the same time

Is there a way in CSS to apply the hover state to one part of HTML text when another part is hovered over, both sharing the same class?

I have a block of text in HTML that is broken down into individual words, each word linked to a specific CSS class. It is possible for multiple words to be linked to the same class.

For example, if I have three words and two classes (classA, classB),

word1, word3 -> classA
word2 -> classB

This would result in the following HTML code :

<span class=classA>word1</span>
<span class=classB>word2</span>
<span class=classA>word3</span>

The issue at hand is changing the appearance of all words with a shared class when any one of them is hovered over.

I attempted the following:

.classA {
    color: red;
.classA:hover {
    color: blue;

Unfortunately, when the mouse hovers over "word1," only "word1" is highlighted, and not "word3" which belongs to the same class ("classA").

Any assistance on this matter would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Simply put, the answer is NO, using only CSS. However, there are alternative solutions that I will share with you below.

You can utilize the adjacent selector to simultaneously apply the :hover effect:

.classA:hover + .classB + .classA {
    color: blue;

See Demo Here

Unfortunately, this method will only work when you hover over the first group element. Another approach is to use a wrapper element, but this may be restrictive if you have only two combinations of classes where you wish to style a single type of class.

.wrapper_class:hover .classA {
   color: blue;

View Demo 2

Answer №2

.classA:hover {
  color: blue;

This particular code affects elements with the class=classA that are being hovered over. Using JavaScript might be a more straightforward approach:

var span = document.getElementsByClassName('classA');
var i = 0;
while(i < span.length){
    span[i].onmouseover = function change(){
        var i = 0;
        while(i < span.length){
            span[i].style.color = 'blue';

    span[i].onmouseout = function change(){
        var i = 0;
        while(i < span.length){
            span[i].style.color = 'red';


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