Getting rid of the outline on <html> while tabbing in Firefox

An odd outline keeps appearing as I tab through elements on a website, but only in Firefox and not in Chrome, Safari, or Opera.

To identify the element causing the focus, I used Firebug console by typing: document.activeElement. It showed:

>>> document.activeElement


I then tried using CSS to remove the outline with:

html {outline: 0}

Unfortunately, the outline persisted. How can I eliminate it?

p.s: I tested tabbing through other websites like Google and Facebook, and did not encounter this type of outline.

Answer №1

your answer is ready

:active {outline:none;}
::-webkit-focus-inner {border:0;}

Answer №2

UPDATE: It appears there was some confusion in my previous explanation, so let me clarify:

Because there is only the <body> element, Firefox can only focus on <body>, hence the dotted line around it. (see screenshot)

To test this, add an element or multiple elements to the body:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link rel='stylesheet' href='haha.css'>
        <a href="#" title="">I'm just an example.</a>
        <a href="#" title="">Me too.</a>

You can now cycle through the elements using the tab key and observe the dotted line moving to the active element.


If you are seeking a border effect, you may want to use border instead.

html {
    border: none;

Depending on the existing CSS styles on the page, you might need to apply this:

html, body {
    border: none;

I hope this clears things up for you.

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