"Modifying the height of an SVG <g> element: A step-by

Is there a way to adjust the height of a g element?

Trying to set the height using {params} but it's not responding

I made some changes in the comments because the svg is quite large (Scene.js)

{/* Transformation */}
      <g transform="translate(320,388)" viewBox="0 0 351 450">
        <g transform={`translate(336,0) scale(-1, 1)`}>
          <g transform="translate(30.25,179)">
                viewBox="0 0 351 450"

Answer ā„–1

It has been noted in the comments that <g> does not support a height or viewBox attribute.

If you are looking to clip the content within the <g> element, one solution is to utilize an <svg> tag, which does allow for a viewBox attribute: (In some cases, the transform may need to be moved into a child element.)

{/* Scaling example */}
      <svg transform="translate(320,388)" viewBox="0 0 351 450">
        <g transform={`translate(336,0) scale(-1, 1)`}>
          <g transform="translate(30.25,179)">
                viewBox="0 0 351 450"

Another option is to use the <clipPath> element to specifically clip the group using

<g clip-path="url(#myClipPath)">
. However, this method can be more cumbersome as it requires a separate definition of
<clipPath id="myClipPath">

Answer ā„–2

To achieve the desired height, you can utilize a css transform along with adjusting the scale parameter.

transform: matrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0);

For example:

transform: matrix(1.8, 0, 0, 1.8, 0, 0);

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