I'm facing challenges with setting auto heights on CSS and aligning floating divs

I'm trying to create a simple tiled list with six smaller divs inside a main div, all set to float:left. However, this is causing issues with the auto height and it doesn't seem to work properly within the div. Can anyone help me fix my code or suggest a better approach?



<div class="main">
   <div class="service-items">
      <div class="service-item">WEB DESIGN</div>
      <div class="service-item">SEO</div>
      <div class="service-item-right">WEB GUIDANCE</div>
      <div class="service-item">GRAPHIC DESIGN</div>
      <div class="service-item">BROCHURE DESIGN</div>
      <div class="service-item-right">CONTACT ME!</div>


.main {
    font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;

.service-items {

.service-item {
    font-family: 'Roboto Condensed', sans-serif;

Answer №1

When elements are floated, they do not contribute to the height of their parent element. To work around this issue in more complex situations (such as when custom tooltips are supposed to overlap), various clearfix hacks can be used.

In your scenario, simply adding overflow: hidden to the CSS should solve the problem.

.service-items {
    overflow: hidden; // This line prevents clearing floats

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