Troubleshooting issue with jquery.backgroundSize.js on Internet Explorer 8

After trying out the jquery.backgroundSize.js plugin, I ran into issues getting it to work in IE8.

I followed the steps from the official website and tested on various browsers like IE9 and Firefox, but nothing seemed to happen on IE8.


    background:url('parthenon.jpg') no-repeat; 
    border:1px solid;


<div id="main">


$(function() {
    $("#main").css({backgroundSize: "contain"});

Answer №1

If you're having trouble with the CSS background-size property in IE8, it's likely not supported.

The website you referenced may be using a jQuery workaround for older browsers. If it's not working correctly, make sure you're loading the plugin properly.

An alternative solution is to use the CSS3Pie library, which adds support for CSS background-size in older IE versions. Simply include CSS3Pie in your CSS code to achieve consistent rendering across different browsers.

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