How to conceal sections of a webpage until a child component is successfully loaded with vue

I am currently working on a Single Page Application using Vue. The default layout consists of some HTML in the header, followed by an abstract child component that is injected into the page. Each child component has a loader to display while the data is being fetched from the server and rendered:

<child id="main-content"/>

Now, I have a requirement to add a footer to each page. However, adding the footer in the parent default layout results in a not-so-pleasant user experience as the footer is shown only after the data is loaded in the child component, following the header and loading icon:

<child id="main-content"/>
Content for my footer which should be hidden until the child component has finished rendering

Is there a way to hide the footer in the parent component until the child component has fully rendered its data without needing to modify each child component with $emit? I am looking for a solution that can be applied globally from the parent component.

Answer №1

If you're using Vue 2, one option is to incorporate a global event bus.

The concept of an event bus or publish-subscribe pattern enables different parts of your application to communicate with each other.

However, this scenario may indicate a larger issue in how your application manages data. Ideally, all related data should come from the same source. For instance, if both your footer and child components rely on the same data, the parent component should fetch that data and pass it down as props. This approach allows you to manage the loading state for your footer component effectively.

Answer №2

Another great alternative is to leverage the power of Vuex store. By utilizing the store, you can keep track of the API data status effortlessly. With each component having access to the store, there's no longer a need to manually handle communication between components or write scripts to monitor status changes. This scenario perfectly aligns with the intended purpose of Vuex.

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