I am interested in modifying the color of the radio button

Using blue, red, and green colors works perfectly fine for me. However, when I try to use orange or the color code #fb0, a strange black radius appears in the center section.

accent-color: red accent-color: #fb0
input[type=radio] {
    accent-color: #fb0;
    /* ... */

Answer №1

Indeed, Chrome's behavior can be quite irritating at times. Safari handles it much more elegantly. To have better control over the radio buttons, you can try implementing custom radio button styles.


label {
  display: block;

input[type=radio][value="1"] {
  accent-color: #f00;

input[type=radio][value="2"] {
  accent-color: #fb0;

input[type=radio][value="3"] {
  accent-color: #080;

input[type=radio][value="4"] {
  accent-color: #00f;
<label><input type="radio" value="1" checked> One</label>
<label><input type="radio" value="2" checked> Two</label>
<label><input type="radio" value="3" checked> Three</label>
<label><input type="radio" value="4" checked> Four</label>

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