Library of User Interface components for React Native applications

As I embark on my journey of building my first major app using React Native, a question comes to mind.

Is there a UI framework available for React Native that offers pre-styled components right out of the box?

Similar to how Ionic provides a base theme and CSS for Cordova apps, or how Bootstrap does for web development.

Are there any existing libraries that can provide this kind of styling convenience for React Native?

Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

There are various UI toolkits available that make it easy for developers to customize components, similar to the styles found in ionic and bootstrap. These toolkits are compatible with both iOS and Android platforms.

1. Framework7

Framework7 offers a single code base for creating custom components like buttons, toolbars (headers/footers), and inputs with icons for both iOS and Android applications.

2. Onsen UI

Onsen UI toolkit allows developers to effortlessly develop visually appealing React Native apps.

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