How do I alter the post title font size with a child theme?

After updating my theme, I noticed that the H1 for my Posts titles in the "Next Posts" section changed to H4 unexpectedly. How can I revert it back to how it was before? I've attempted fixing it without success.

If you need a visual reference, you can check out the "You Might Like This Too" section here:

Appreciate any assistance!

Answer №1

Allow me to elaborate on why including an h4 tag is beneficial and how you have the option to modify it.

It's important to recognize that in HTML, there are heading levels that assist both users and software in understanding the structure of a webpage. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about hierarchy and importance. So, keeping your H4 tag is actually quite appropriate.

If you do wish to adjust the size of your H4 text, you will need to update its styling in your CSS file. If you're using WordPress, this typically means making changes in the style.css file.

Answer №2

When working in Wordpress, make sure to visit your editor and locate the css file section at the bottom. Insert the following line:

   font-family: Prata;
  font-weight: 400;
  font-size: 1.375rem;
  line-height: 1.875rem;
  text-align: center;
  color: #000;

This adjustment will align all your h4 headings with your H3s. Another option is to directly modify the post title template to change h4 to h3.

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