Trying to find the ancestor element using Selenide library on a website. The ancestor element is <div class="BorderGrid-cell" ...>.
The .closest(".BorderGrid-cell") method works well. However, the .closest("div.BorderGrid-cell") method does not work (error "NoSuchElementException: no such element: Unable to locate element"). Why is this?
Coding to inspect the page The code should identify the list of contributors and hover over the first contributor in the list. Since there are no suitable locators in the list, I search for the text "Contributors," then move up to the ancestor of the located tag (via closest), and proceed down to the list.
Working code:
$("div.Layout-sidebar").$(byText("Contributors")).closest(".BorderGrid-cell").$$("ul li").first().hover();
Non-working code:
$("div.Layout-sidebar").$(byText("Contributors")).closest("div.BorderGrid-cell").$$("ul li").first().hover();
The only difference is the 'div' in the .closest() method. It was expected that both codes would function similarly. Why does the second one fail to work?
Code on Github: