Attaching a Stylesheet (CSS) without being inside the HEAD Tag

After seeing numerous inquiries about this topic, I have yet to find the answer I seek. My main question is whether it is feasible to connect an external stylesheet in a location other than the HEAD tag.

I am facing this issue because I need to use Confluence for documentation purposes, and the add-ons available are quite basic. I want to give my page a unique style, but Confluence automatically overrides any HEAD tags and substitutes its own. Unfortunately, there is no way around this without purchasing the HTML addon, which is not an option for my company.

To work around this limitation, I must include a large STYLE tag containing all the customized styles, making the code lengthy.

I am curious to know if linking a stylesheet anywhere else in the HTML besides the HEAD tag is possible and how to go about doing it. (I understand that this may not be common or recommended practice, and I acknowledge the importance of having the stylesheet within the HEAD tag, so please refrain from commenting on this aspect.)

Answer №1

Absolutely, you have the option to include a stylesheet in a location other than the <head> tag - specifically, you can place it within the <body>. According to documentation from MDN:

It is entirely valid to have a <link> tag present in either the head element or the body element (or even both), depending on whether it possesses a link type that is permissible for the body. For instance, the stylesheet link type is considered body-ok, meaning that a <link rel="stylesheet"> is allowed in the body of the HTML document.

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