Misconception about the usage of jQuery's .each() function clarified with an illustrative example

Problem Description (See Fiddle):

When clicking on the red boxes, they transform into kittens and display an alert with the current value of i. Clicking on a large fading kitten will reset everything.

I am puzzled as to why alert(i) is triggering multiple times, increasing exponentially with each pass after the first click. I am also unsure of how to prevent this behavior. Initially, I thought it was due to creating new DOM elements, but since I'm only changing the img source, I am not certain.

If you find any issues or inefficiencies in my code, please do point them out to me. I welcome suggestions on more elegant solutions.


cats = [
count = 0;

function getRandomCats() {
    var kitties = [];
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * (9 - 0 + 1)) + 0;
        kitties[i] = cats[rand];

function meow(kitties) {
    $('.cats').each(function(i) {
        $(this).mousedown(function() {
            alert(i); //debug
            $('div.front img', this).attr('src', kitties[i]);
                'transform': 'rotateY(180deg)',
                '-webkit-transform': 'rotateY(180deg)',
                'transition': 'transform 500ms ease-in-out',
                '-webkit-transition': '-webkit-transform 500ms ease-in-out'
            this.flipped = 1, this.locked;
            if (this.flipped && !this.locked) {
                this.locked = 1;
                if (count > 2) {

var clicked = 0;
$('#newCat').mousedown(function() {
    if (clicked == 0) {
        clicked = 1;
        $('.cats').fadeOut(1000, function() {
            this.flipped = 0, this.locked = 0, count = 0;
                'transform': 'rotateY(0deg)',
                '-webkit-transform': 'rotateY(0deg)'
    setTimeout(function(){clicked = 0;}, 1000);


Answer №1

To prevent overwriting previously bound functions with the mousedown statement, simply include the following code:


This should be placed before the $(this).mousedown binding statement.

In regards to elegance, it is recommended to segment your code into multiple functions. Excessive indentation beyond 2 levels can make the code harder to read. Avoid indenting to 5 or more levels for optimal readability.

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