Make the minimum height of one div equal to the height of another div

My query is somewhat similar to this discussion: Implementing a dynamic min-height on a div using JavaScript but with a slight twist.

I am working on a dropdown menu within a WordPress site, integrated with RoyalSlider. The height of the slider div adjusts based on the size of the browser window.

However, I seem to be encountering some unexpected results. I have implemented the code provided as the top answer in the referenced thread and made the necessary adjustments to fit my specific setup:

$("#menu-main-menu > > ul.sub-menu").css("min-height", function(){ 
    return $("#new-royalslider-1").height();

As per my understanding, this snippet should set the minimum height of the ul.sub-menu to match the height of the RoyalSlider div.

Nevertheless, it consistently returns a value of 400px, regardless of the actual browser dimensions. Am I overlooking something here?

Answer №1

Utilize jQuery's outerHeight() method to obtain the current computed height of your slider, and execute it during page load and when the browser window is resized:

function adjustSliderHeight(){
    $("#menu-main-menu > > ul.sub-menu").css("min-height",

// Call the function on page load and window resize

See JS Fiddle Demo

Note: To reduce the height by 40px, simply use ....outerHeight()-40. View Js Fiddle Demo

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