How can I align text within an Input component to the right or center using MaterialUI?

Is there a way to align text within a Material UI input text element? The code snippet below doesn't seem to have any effect. I am currently working with version 1.x of Material UI.

import {Input} from 'material-ui';

//Alignment attempt that didn't work
   className="max-w-128 inline-block"
   style = {{textAlign: 'center'}}
   inputStyle={{ textAlign: 'center' }}
   //Also tried hintStyle as suggested in a bug
   hintStyle={{ width: '600px', textAlign: 'center' }}

Answer №1

To achieve the desired styling, simply utilize the following code snippet with styles overriding:

 input: classes.inputCenter

Ensure that the styles are defined as follows:

const styles = theme => ({
  inputCenter: {
    textAlign: "center",
    color: "red"

For more information, please refer to the documentation available at:

For a practical demonstration, feel free to explore this working example:

We hope that this explanation proves to be beneficial for your coding endeavors.

Answer №2

Remember to utilize the following code snippet when aligning text:

<Typography align="centre|right" />

In case you have a particular font style already defined, incorporate the above solution with withStyle HOC for customization.

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