Tips for preventing extra whitespaces and line breaks from being added to the render tree in Blazor applications

Consider the code snippet below

    @for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        <span class="@classes[i]">@i</span>

The desired output is (with each character styled differently)


However, the actual output shows extra whitespace between each character:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

An investigation using ILSpy revealed the following render tree structure:

        __builder.OpenElement(2, "div");
        __builder.AddMarkupContent(3, "\r\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            __builder.AddContent(4, "        ");
            __builder.OpenElement(5, "span");
            __builder.AddAttribute(6, "class", classes[i]);
            __builder.AddContent(7, i);
            __builder.AddMarkupContent(8, "\r\n");

Sequence 4 adds extra whitespaces and sequence 8 adds "\r\n", causing the unwanted spacing between characters.

To solve this issue, one workaround is to write the code in a more condensed manner as shown below:

<div>@for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
{<span class="@classes[i]">@i</span>}

However, this approach can lead to lengthy lines of code and potential formatting errors when auto-formatting the document. To address this, alternative suggestions include:

  1. Utilizing CSS to ignore whitespaces and line breaks between spans
  2. Exploring the possibility of adding additional @{} syntax for improved formatting
  3. Seeking out a parameter or technique to prevent the insertion of unnecessary whitespaces and line breaks in the render tree

Answer №1

It seems like you're still working with aspnetcore 3.x, which is why you're experiencing this issue. This problem was resolved in .NET5.

I recommend testing it out in a .NET5 Blazor project - everything should function properly there.

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