CSS3 animations with background-image for Firefox are an exciting way to enhance the

I am currently working on a keyframe animation project using CSS. The animation is running smoothly in Chrome with supported -webkit syntaxes.

@-webkit-keyframes title_toggle 
from { background-image:url(images/title.png); }
75%{ background-image:url(images/title_hover.png); }
to { background-image:url(images/title.png); }

However, when I tried to implement the code for Firefox below, it did not work as expected.

@-moz-keyframes title_toggle {
from { background-image:url(images/title.png); }
75%{ background-image:url(images/title_hover.png); }
to { background-image:url(images/title.png); }

I would appreciate any guidance on making this work effectively in FF.

The following snippet shows the CSS part of the project:

@-moz-keyframes title_toggle {
from { background-image:url(images/title.png); }
75%{ background-image:url(images/title_hover.png); }
to { background-image:url(images/title.png); }

    height: 30%;
    position: absolute;
    top: 10%;
    left: 5%;
    background-size: 100% 100%;
    -webkit-animation-name: title_toggle;
    background-size: 100% 100%; 
     -moz-animation-name: title_toggle;

Below is the HTML section:

<div class="title"></div>

Answer №1

Inquiring about the absence of cross-fade interpolation between various images indicates a recent update to the specification that is still not widely embraced.

Answer №2

One reason for the issue at hand is that Firefox does not have compatibility with animations on background images. It's worth noting that background-image is not designed to be animated. While Chrome may have its own solution, it unfortunately won't translate over to Firefox. To learn more about CSS properties that can be animated, check out this resource: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_animated_properties

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