Steps to customize the Spark theme in Flex 4

In the default Spark theme in Flex 4, what type of styling is included? Additionally, how can one override the Spark theme? For instance, when attempting to change the background color but seeing no effect, even though the CSS code appears correct. Here's an example of the CSS:

    @namespace s "library://";
    @namespace mx "library://";
    @namespace local "*";

        font-family: Georgia;
        color: #260B01;
        content-background-color: Red;
        content-background-alpha: 0.8; 


Answer №1

Interesting. I found that this code was executed successfully:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
        @namespace s "library://";
        @namespace mx "library://";
        global {
            font-family: Georgia;
            color: #260B01;
            content-background-color: Red;
            content-background-alpha: 0.8;
        import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
    <s:List dataProvider="{new ArrayCollection(['First','Second'])}" />

Can you share your expectations and the actual outcome of this code?

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