Creating a CSS Grid with Scroll Snap functionality to mimic an iPhone screen in HTML

I have created an iPhone simulator using HTML. It's in German, but I can provide a translation if needed:

// JavaScript code for various functionalities related to the iPhone interface
/* CSS styling for the iPhone interface */
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
    <link rel="preconnect" href="">
    <link href=";300;400&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">

<div id="notification" onclick="closeNotification();">
    <h1 id="notificationHeader"><b>New Email Received!</b></h1>
    <p id="notificationDescription"></p>

<div id="phone">
    <div id="topbar">
        <!-- Top bar section of the iPhone interface -->

    <div id="slider">
        <div id="appsOne">
            <!-- First set of apps on the home screen -->

        <div id="appsTwo">
            <!-- Second page with additional apps -->

    <div id="homeButton" onclick="closeApp();"></div>

To get a better view of the iPhone interface, click on Full-Page in the snippet.

I'm facing an issue with two divs: #appsOne and #appsTwo within the #slider div. On the main page, there are two apps displayed (#appsOne) along with text (#appsTwo). I want the apps (#appsOne) to remain stationary while the text (#appsTwo) should be on a separate page with horizontal scroll snap functionality. How can this be achieved?

Below is an image of how the interface looks without the slider and the #appsTwo div:

Answer №1

CSS Scroll-snapping

To implement CSS scroll-snapping, first wrap each 'screen' in a div with the class panel.

To enable scrolling functionality for the slider, use white-space: nowrap to keep it on a single line. For horizontal scroll-snapping, set scroll-snap-type to x mandatory. This ensures that the visual viewport snaps to specific points when scrolling ends, even if content changes.

This means that the scroll container will snap to a point when scrolling finishes and adjusts its position based on content changes.MDN

Add overscroll-behavior-x: contain to prevent scrolling interactions between neighboring areas. Apply scroll-snap-align: center to .panel to align with the snapping points, and set white-space: initial to avoid overflowing contents within panels.

View the outcome here:

JS Scroll-snapping (mouse drag)

To enhance user experience with mouse drag scrolling without relying on scroll-snapping, utilize pure JS.

Create event listeners for mousedown to initiate dragging, mousemove to track movement, and mouseup to end the drag while checking for scroll alignment.

To handle app opening, maintain a variable to store state changes when apps are opened or closed. Take necessary actions based on this variable in the event listeners to control scrolling behavior accordingly.

For optimal viewing experience, switch to full-page mode

// Place your code snippets here

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