Highlighting a specific list item dynamically without affecting its nested children

While I have come across similar questions, they don't quite address the specific issue I'm facing.

My current project involves creating a keyboard-accessible tree widget. My goal is to apply a background color to the selected list item without affecting its children. Here's what I've attempted so far:

// javascript
$(rootLi).focus(function(event) {

// css
.focusNode {
    background-color: orange;

However, this approach results in all children also turning orange. I even tried applying the background color to the span that contains the text for the li, but it ended up highlighting all nested span elements too.

I must admit my CSS skills are not the strongest. Can anyone provide some guidance? Thank you!


Someone requested to see the HTML code. While I believe my issue is clear, here is the code for reference :)

  <div id="treewidget">
    <ul role="tree" aria-activedescendant="rootItem" tabindex="0">
      <li id="rootItem" tabindex="0" role="treeItem" data-id="1" aria-expanded="true"
        <a href="javascript:void(0);" class="expanded"></a> <span id=

        <ul role="group">
          <li tabindex="0" role="treeItem" data-id="2" aria-expanded="true"
          aria-labelledby="contentFor2"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class=
          "expanded"></a><span id="contentFor2">bar</span></li>

          <li tabindex="0" role="treeItem" data-id="3" aria-expanded="true"
          aria-labelledby="contentFor3"><a href="javascript:void(0);" class=
          "expanded"></a><span id="contentFor3">baz</span></li>

Answer №1

Changing the background color of the sub trees is a possible solution

// css
.focusNode ul {
    background-color: white; // initial color

Check out this simplified demo http://jsfiddle.net/uFaUS/2/

This issue is more related to CSS rules rather than jQuery, as the focus node encompasses the sub items.

Answer №2

Based on the information provided, it seems that the li elements you wish to emphasize may not have a defined background color, causing them to appear transparent.

Answer №3

Did you attempt to include the class in the initial child span element? You could try implementing something similar to this:


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