Designing a fixed bottom footer enclosed within a wrapper that expands from the top header to the bottom footer

I have created the basic structure of my webpage using HTML / CSS. However, I now realize that I need a sticky footer that remains at the bottom of the screen with a fixed position. Additionally, I want the main content area, known as the "wrapper," to stretch from the top of the header to the bottom of the footer. I would like this segment to adjust its height dynamically so that it fits the entire browser window regardless of display height when zoomed out.

You can view a JS fiddle example here:

If anyone knows how to achieve this, please share the code on Stack Overflow as a reply since the JSFiddle is just for testing purposes and not for the final implementation.

I have attempted setting the wrapper's height to

, which fills the screen height but does not extend to accommodate additional content beyond the initial viewport.

Thank you in advance for any assistance! Much appreciated.

Answer №1

While I didn't incorporate it into your design, I frequently utilize this method: Take a look at Modern sticky footers

I recommend utilizing HTML5 semantic tags, which are specifically designed to ensure proper semantics instead of relying on classes like header, nav, footer, etc...

EDIT: I made some modifications to your code in this updated fiddle: JSFiddle

Just include:

html {
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100%; }

In addition to that, adjust the body to be positioned absolute rather than fixed and provide a margin to the body element equal to the height of the footer.

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