Make sure all Bootstrap elements have square edges

Can someone help me with using bootstrap3 to achieve square corners for all buttons, menus, and navs?

I have tried setting the edges to be square using this code snippet, but my specific requirement is to only have square corners for the buttons, menus, and navs of bootstrap elements.

* {
  border-radius: 0 !important;
  -moz-border-radius: 0 !important;

Answer №1

Creating a custom build is the best approach. Adjusting @border-radius-small, @border-radius-base, and @border-radius-large to 0 will give you the desired result. You can easily customize and download Bootstrap for your project by visiting:

These three parameters control most of the border radius settings, including those for badges. Simply search the page for 'radius' to locate and modify these settings.

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