Implementing the CSS link tag in the header of a NextJS 13 application for enhanced styling

In my Next 13 application, I'm looking to link directly to a basic CSS file. Unfortunately, adding it to the Head component hasn't yielded any results for me. I've also attempted to create a custom _document within both the app and pages, but that hasn't worked either. Can someone advise on the best method for accomplishing this in Next 13? Appreciate the help!

Answer №1

To incorporate global stylesheets into your project, refer to this document:

Add a global stylesheet from the styles directory:

import "@/styles/global-stylesheet.css"

Add a global stylesheet from an npm package:

import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css"

Please note that external stylesheets should be either directly imported from an npm package or downloaded and placed in the same location as your source code. The use of

<link rel="stylesheet" />
is not supported.

Answer №2

If you want to get started, follow these steps:

  1. Start by creating a stylesheet for your Head Component called Head.module.css.
  2. Then, import the stylesheet into your Head.js component using
    import styles from "./Head.module.css
    within the components folder.
  3. Ensure that both files are located inside the components folder.

That's it!

You can also check out the CSS Modules documentation for more information.

I hope this explanation is helpful!

Answer №3

When setting up your app, make sure to include the global.css file in the RootLayout

import "./global.css";

If you need to import locally scoped CSS for specific pages, such as the home page, create a page.module.css file

and then import it like this:

import styles from "./page.module.css";
export default async function Home() {}

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