"Can you guide me on positioning an image logo before text by utilizing the content attribute within the style tag

I am new to coding and experimenting with HTML. I want to display an image before the text "hello html" but for some reason, it is not working. Here is the code I have tried:

.img::before {
content: url("img/smartphone.png");
<h1 class="img">hello html</h1><br>
<h1>hello html</h1><br>
<h1>hello html</h1><br>
<h1>hello html</h1><br>

Answer №1

Make sure to use a forward slash / in the link to the image file instead of a backslash \

        <h1 class="img">hello html</h1><br>
        <h1>hello html</h1><br>
        <h1>hello html</h1><br>
        <h1>hello html</h1><br>

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