How can I create my own unique scrolling behavior in JavaScript?

Looking to create a similar effect as seen on this website: where the vertical scrollbar determines the movement of the browser "viewport" along a set path.

I believe that using Javascript to track the scroll bar value and adjust background elements accordingly would be the most straightforward approach.

Is there a way to access the vertical scroll bar value in JavaScript? Is my method for achieving this effect accurate?

Answer №1

Can JavaScript retrieve the current position of the vertical scroll bar?

const scrollTopPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop || window.pageYOffset;

Is my design strategy flawed?

Based on your description, it seems like a sound approach.

Answer №2

If you want to enhance user experience, follow these steps:

  1. Design an element with a custom scrollbar
  2. Connect an event listener for scrolling actions
  3. Implement code in the event handler to navigate your main page based on scroll position

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