Content width exceeds body width

Having an issue with body width that seems strange. Check out this fiddle link to see for yourself.

<div class="topbar" style="width:100%; background:#000; color:#fff">
    <div class="container" style="width:970px; margin:0 auto;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus posuere semper velit, quis gravida dui elementum posuere. Aliquam hendrerit sagittis sapien elementum lacinia. Praesent sagittis, magna sed molestie suscipit, dolor ante pharetra neque, a ornare lorem arcu eget mauris. Donec ornare cursus velit vel mattis. Donec malesuada eu...</div>

The issue arises when the content width exceeds the window width, causing the body to take on the window's width rather than the content's width.

Observe the screenshot below. The window width is 787px while the content width is 970px. A horizontal scrollbar appears as expected.

However, notice what happens upon scrolling right. Instead of expanding to occupy 100% of available width, the body sticks to the window's width.

Any insights into why this behavior occurs?

Answer №1

To make your body extend its area based on the child content, simply include display:table in the body CSS.


Check out the DEMO here!

Answer №2

Check out this demo

To ensure that your website content is displayed correctly, you can add the CSS property min-width: 970px; to the <body> element.

By setting a minimum width of 970px for the body, your content will be properly aligned and if the screen size is larger than 970px, it will expand to take up the full width of the browser. This is because using width: 100% allows the body to occupy the entire width available.

Answer №3

The issue lies within the parent <div>. Its width has been set to 100%, which means it will span the entire width of the window. You can view the updated solution on this Fiddle.

<div class="container" style="width:970px; margin:0 auto;">...</div>

Alternatively, you could adjust the styling of .topbar: Fiddle

<div class="topbar" style="width:970px; background:#000; color:#fff">
    <div class="container" style="margin:0 auto;">...</div>

Answer №4

Ensure to set the body's minimum width to 970px by using min-width: 970px. It is a crucial step when working with fixed-width containers. Always remember to match the width value of the fixed-width container as the min-width for the body.

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