Incorporating <span> elements into a comma-separated list using Jquery on every other item

When I receive a comma-separated list of items from a database and insert them into a table cell, I want to apply alternating styles to make it easier for users to distinguish between them.

For example:

foo, bar, mon, key, base, ball

I'm looking to modify the code to achieve something like this:

<td class="wide">foo, <span class="alt">bar</span>, mon, <span class="alt">key</span>, base, <span class="alt">ball</span></td>

Therefore, I am searching for a way to add a span class to every other value using jQuery. Is there a simple solution for this?

Answer №1

To enhance the list, I would convert it into a ul, and utilize the :nth-child selector to style every other li.

Although not compatible with all browsers, this method is cleaner than using span tags and javascript. Since it's just a minor visual enhancement (without affecting the content), cross-browser compatibility is less crucial.

For more information on :nth-child, check out:

Answer №2

If you're retrieving data from the database, it's best to handle this on the server side by integrating those elements into your HTML directly rather than using jQuery.

Instead of <span> elements, why not consider using list elements like <ul> or <ol>, especially since your title and question mention a list as the main focus?

Assuming you are using PHP as your server-side language, you can transform the comma-separated list fetched from the DB into a proper list format and then utilize CSS for styling such as adding commas using a background image or CSS pseudo-elements with the content property.


In a PHP script:

    $readFromTheDB = "foo, bar, mon, key, base, ball";
    $list = $keywordsArray = array_map('trim', explode(',', $readFromTheDB));
    echo "<ul>";
    $oddEven = true;
    foreach($list as $listitem) {
        $class = ($oddEven?"odd":"even");
        echo "<li class=\"".htmlentities($class)."\">".htmlentities($listitem)."</li>";
        $oddEven = !$oddEven;
    echo "<ul>";

In your CSS file:

ul li {
    background:url(path/to/images/comma.png) BOTTOM RIGHT NO-REPEAT;
ul li.even {

Answer №3

function convertToSpan(commaSeparatedString){
   var items = commaSeparatedString.split(',');
   var result = [];
   $.each(items, function(index){
       if(index % 2 != 0)
           result.push('<span class="alt">' + this + '</span>');
   return result.join(',');

Not groundbreaking, but it gets the job done.

Answer №4

Your situation is unclear because it's not specified whether you already have the <span> elements in place or if you only have a comma separated list of text, with the <span> elements being added by jQuery.

In case you already have the <span> elements before using jQuery

If the :even selector fits your requirements.

$('td.wide span:even").addClass("alt");

In case you don't have the <span> elements before applying jQuery

(not tested)

var list = $('td.wide').html();
var listAsArray = list.split(',');
var newListHtml = '';
for(var i=0; i<listAsArray.length; i++) {
    if(i%2==0) {
        newListHtml += '<span class="alt">';
    newListHtml += listAsArray[i];
    if(i%2==0) {
        newListHtml += '</span>';

Answer №5

If you're in search of a solution that looks similar to this:

Using jQuery

<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    var content='foo, bar, mon, key, base, ball';

    // Adding SPAN tags to all text elements
    $('#insertcontent').html('<span>'+content.split(", ").join("</span>, <span>")+'</span>');

    // Apply styling to alternating spans
    $('#insertcontent span:odd').addClass('alt');

    // Removing unnecessary SPAN tags
    $('#insertcontent span:even').each(function() {

For CSS Styling

<style type="text/css>
  .alt {
    font-weight: bold;

HTML Structure

  <tr><td id="insertcontent"></td></tr>

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