Is it necessary for CSS Media query to load all the referenced CSS files?

When utilizing a CSS Media Query to assign two different stylesheets, such as desktop.css and mobile.css based on the max-width, how does this process function?

Is it necessary for both stylesheets to be loaded by the browser every time, and then the appropriate one is applied at the client-side? Or does the browser possess the ability to selectively load only the relevant stylesheet?

Answer №1

When using actual media queries, the CSS will load on page load but won't be applied until you reach the specified break-points or meet the rules set in the media queries. This is the default behavior for browsers that support media queries.

If you're using JavaScript to mimic media query behavior, it can change how CSS is loaded and applied. The outcome depends on how the JavaScript is written.

Providing code examples would make it easier to give a definitive answer. From what I understand though, your initial statement is accurate: the browser loads all CSS but only applies relevant styles based on the viewport or device currently being used.

Answer №2

The HTML file loads all CSS styles and applies them based on the default CSS hierarchy.

Answer №3

The placement and specifications of your CSS play a crucial role in determining when it gets loaded. I recommend checking out this page for insights on how images are loaded with various media queries.

In essence, if you load your CSS selectively depending on media queries, it will only load once those queries have been met.

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