Guide to creating a nested list using the jQuery :header selector

Here is the structure of my html:

<h1 id="header1">H1</h1>
  <p>Lorem ipsum</p>
    <h2 id="header2">H2</h2>
      <p>lorem ipsum</p>
    <h2 id="header3">H2</h2>
      <p>lorem upsum</p>
       <h3 id="subHeader1">H3</h3>
       <p>Lorem Ipsum</p>

To retrieve all headings with an ID, I am using this jQuery selector:

var headings = $( ":header[id]" );

My goal is to create a nested list of all these headings in this format:


I have been struggling to achieve this and couldn't find a solution on Stack Overflow. While I can create a flat list, building a nested one has proven to be more challenging.

If anyone could offer assistance or guidance, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Answer №1

Mastering this technique requires a combination of algorithmic knowledge and familiarity with jQuery. It's not as simple as just implementing an algorithm; understanding how to use jQuery properly is crucial in coding it effectively.

The approach involves initializing a root ul, storing references to child headers within each ul, then iterating through this collection to convert each header into a nested ul. These newly created ul elements are added to a stack-like structure, which is processed in a while loop until the stack is empty.

Explaining this process can be challenging, especially for beginners new to algorithms and jQuery. Below is the code snippet demonstrating this technique:

// Initialize the root UL
var ul = $('<ul>');
for(var i = 1; i < 8; i++){
  var hs = $('h' + i);
    ul[0].childHeaders = hs
    ul[0].childHeaderLevel = i;

var rootUl = ul;

// Main loop
  var nextUl = $();
  // Loop through each ul
     var innerUl = this;
     var n = this.childHeaderLevel;
     // Convert each childHeader into a ul
        var childUl = $('<ul>').append('<li>' + $(elem).html() + '</li>')
        childUl[0].childHeaders = $(this).nextUntil('h' + n)
                                         .filter('h' + (n+1));
        childUl[0].childHeaderLevel = n + 1;            
        nextUl = nextUl.add(childUl);
  ul = nextUl;   

// Append the root UL to the body after emptying it

See Demo Here.

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