Currently, I am utilizing reactstrap in my live website powered by react.js.
I am seeking assistance on how to implement the reactstrap carousel. Specifically, I am struggling with applying CSS directly to the image within CarouselItem. Since there is a src prop for CarouselItem and not a full img tag, I'm unsure of how to apply CSS styling in this scenario. Any guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
In addition, I am working on creating a slider for text-only news updates using Carousel. However, I am uncertain about configuring the CarouselItems to display a div containing text instead of an image. Can anyone assist me with setting up text-based CarouselItems?
I am fairly new to reactstrap but find it to be an excellent resource, and I am eager to fully utilize it in my production environment. Any help provided on these two issues would be immensely helpful.
Thank you in advance for any support offered.