Navigating a mobile-friendly menu anytime!

I'm in the process of creating a responsive "hamburger" menu for mobile devices. The HTML code I have implemented is as follows...

.menu_closed {
  color: red;
.menu_open {
  color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $('span.menu_closed').click(function() {
    $(this).toggleClass("menu_open menu_closed");
<span class="menu_closed">&#9776;</span>
<ul class="menu" id="menu">
  <ul class='section' id='section_1'>
    <li><span id='section_title_1' class='section_title'><a href='#' id='section_link_1'>Against the odds.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_1' class='exhibit_title'><a href="../against-the-odds/introduction"> &rarr; Introduction</a>
        <li id='exhibit_2' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/deriving-functions'> &rarr; Deriving functions</a>
        <li id='exhibit_3' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/exploiting-odds'> &rarr; Exploiting odds</a>
        <li id='exhibit_4' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/betting_history'> &rarr; Betting history</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_2'>
    <li><span id='section_title_2' class='section_title'><a href='' id='section_link_2'>Remembering everything.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_104' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>black swans</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_5'>
    <li><span id='section_title_5' class='section_title'><a href='' id='section_link_5'>Running faster.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_107' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>possible areas to explore</a>
        <li id='exhibit_108' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>developing the model</a>
        <li id='exhibit_109' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>performance</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_4'>
  <div class='bot'>
    <p><a href='' target="_blank">twitter</a>
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      <a href='' target="_blank">facebook</a>

Unfortunately, the menu is not behaving as expected and I am unsure of what went wrong.

If anyone could provide assistance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Sincerely, Jack

Answer №1

A better approach would be to use a standard menu class like <code>.hamburger
instead of .menu_closed. This way, if you decide to change it to .menu_open, the click handler will still work as expected.

The line

$(this).toggleClass("menu_open menu_closed");
should simply toggle a generic class such as open or closed. While your original method may have worked, it's best practice to name the menu class in a more flexible way.

I've also added cursor: pointer; to the menu CSS to provide a visual cue to users that the element is clickable.

It's important to wrap your jQuery code in $(function() {}); to ensure that it runs only after the DOM has loaded completely. This ensures that the elements your script interacts with are available.

Furthermore, I've updated the click handler from using $.live() which is deprecated to $.on() per the latest jQuery recommendations. Using $.on() is the modern way to attach event handlers.

.hamburger {
  color: red;
  cursor: pointer;
.open {
  color: blue;
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(function() {
    $('.hamburger').on('click', function() {
<span class="hamburger">&#9776;</span>
<ul class="menu" id="menu">
  <ul class='section' id='section_1'>
    <li><span id='section_title_1' class='section_title'><a href='#' id='section_link_1'>Against the odds.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_1' class='exhibit_title'><a href="../against-the-odds/introduction"> &rarr; Introduction</a>
        <li id='exhibit_2' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/deriving-functions'> &rarr; Deriving functions</a>
        <li id='exhibit_3' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/exploiting-odds'> &rarr; Exploiting odds</a>
        <li id='exhibit_4' class='exhibit_title'><a href='../against-the-odds/betting_history'> &rarr; Betting history</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_2'>
    <li><span id='section_title_2' class='section_title'><a href='' id='section_link_2'>Remembering everything.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_104' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>black swans</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_5'>
    <li><span id='section_title_5' class='section_title'><a href='' id='section_link_5'>Running faster.</a></span>
        <li id='exhibit_107' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>possible areas to explore</a>
        <li id='exhibit_108' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>developing the model</a>
        <li id='exhibit_109' class='exhibit_title'><a href='#'>performance</a>
  <ul class='section' id='section_4'>
  <div class='bot'>
    <p><a href='' target="_blank">twitter</a>
      <br />
      <a href='' target="_blank">facebook</a>

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