For a while now, I've been attempting to transform my paragraph into a block within a section that showcases elements in an inline-flex layout

I have been attempting to adjust the paragraph with the errorDate class so that it displays as a block element directly beneath the input element similar to the image provided here. The section is currently set to appear as an inline-flex.

Below is the CSS code I modified, setting the display property to block for the errorDate class and inline-flex for the date class which is the parent element:

.date {
  display: inline-flex;
  flex-direction: row;

.errorDate {
  display: block;
<section class="date">
  <input type="datetime" class="mmname" id="mm" placeholder="MM" pattern="[01-31]{2}" required>

  <input type="datetime" class="yyname" id="yy" placeholder="YY" pattern="[00-99]{2}" required>
  <p class="errorDate"> Can't be blank </p>
  <div class="cVc">
    <label for="cvc" class="cvc">CVC</label>
    <input type="text" class="cvcname " id="cvcname" placeholder="eg. 123" pattern="[000-999]{3}" required>
    <p class="errorCvc">Can't be blank</p>


Answer №1

Check out this link for more information on the distinction between display:inline-flex and display:flex.

To resolve your issue, simply move the error message "

<p class="errorDate">The date can't be blank</p>
" outside of the <section>. This adjustment should solve the problem effectively.

.date {
  display: inline-flex;
  flex-direction: row;

.errorDate {
  display: block;
<section class="date">
  <input type="datetime" class="mmname" id="mm" placeholder="MM" pattern="[01-31]{2}" required>
  <input type="datetime" class="yyname" id="yy" placeholder="YY" pattern="[00-99]{2}" required>
  <div class="cVc">
    <input type="text" class="cvcname " id="cvcname" placeholder="eg. 123" pattern="[000-999]{3}" required>
    <p class="errorCvc">The CVC can't be blank</p>
<p class="errorDate">The date can't be blank</p>

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