The website link cannot be seen on Internet Explorer 8, however it is visible on other browsers like Firefox and Chrome

Please verify the following link:

The link "Return to login page" is displayed correctly on Firefox, Chrome, etc., but it appears higher on IE8. How can this be fixed?

To resolve this issue, you can adjust the CSS for the 'lost_password' div as shown below:

        <div class="lost_password" style="float:right; margin-top:-27px; margin-left:25px">
    <a class="a" href="index.php">
    <span>Return to login page</span> <img alt="Return to login page" src="gfx/arrow.png" />

Answer №1

The problem arose due to the floating element.

Instead of doing this

<div class="lost_password" style="float:right; margin-top:-27px; margin-left:25px">

Try this instead.

 <div class="lost_password" style="margin-top:-27px; margin-left:135px">

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