What is the best way to validate a particular class in javascript?

Need help checking if a specific id has a particular class. Unsure of the process?

Here's the code snippet where the attempt at checking the id for a specific class is visible within the homeTransition function.

function homeTransition()
        // Code snippet for checking specific class on a specified id

function aboutTransition()
        // Code for aboutTransition function

function projectsTransition()
        // Code for projectsTransition function

function contactTransition()
        // Code for contactTransition function

function expand(){
  // Code to expand the menu
$(".button").on('click', expand);
 CSS code block 
 HTML code block 

Answer №1

To confirm this, you can follow these steps:

Verify if the class "animated" exists in the "projectsContent" element's className property by using the following code:
document.getElementById("projectsContent").className.indexOf("animated") !== -1

If you need to check for multiple classes, consider storing the className in a variable and checking for each class individually or create a utility function.


Alternatively, as suggested by @Jerinaw in a comment, you can use the shorter code snippet below if you do not require support for < ie10:

document.getElementById("projectsContent").classList.contains("animated") // class exists on element

Answer №2

Opt for pure Vanilla JavaScript


This means: Locate the element with the id (id selector #) aboutContent, and with the class (class selector .) myClass.

Take a look at
CSS selectors

Furthermore, it appears you are blending Vanilla JavaScript and jQuery. It might be beneficial to learn more about selecting elements with jQuery.

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