Changing the position of an image can vary across different devices when using HTML5 Canvas

I am facing an issue with positioning a bomb image on a background city image in my project. The canvas width and height are set based on specific variables, which is causing the bomb image position to change on larger mobile screens or when zooming in. I need help to ensure that the bomb image remains in the same location across all devices and screen sizes.

Below is the code snippet that I am using:

  function smallBombImg(){
document.getElementById('carImg1') = can.width/2 +"px";
document.getElementById('carImg1').style.left = can.height/2 +"px";
//document.getElementById('carImg1').style.background-attachment = "fixed";
document.getElementById('carImg1').style.display = "block";
document.getElementById('carImg1').src = 'img/bomb1.png';

Here is the relevant HTML code:

<div id="container">
    <canvas id="can"></canvas>
<div id="btn">  
    <input type="image" id="zoomIn" src="img/up.png" onclick="zoomIn()" />
    <input type="image" id="zoomOut" src="img/down.png"
        onclick="zoomOut()" />
<div id="score">
    <p id="scoreCount">

<img alt="simple1" id="carImg1" style="position: absolute; display: none;" /> 


Answer №1

Apologies for the rush, but I'm currently pressed for time.

If you're looking to utilize jQuery:

let timeoutForWindowEvent;

$(window).resize(function() {

        $(window).height(); // captures window height
        $(window).width(); // captures window width

    // Prevents immediate trigger until resize event completes
    timeoutForWindowEvent = setTimeout(function() { 

        // Put your resizing calculations and logic here
            width: 1234,
            height: 235,
            position: 'absolute' // and so on

    }, 500 );


I regret being brief, hope this guide suffices. I'll circle back later to see if it was helpful and provide further assistance if needed. Best of luck!

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