Sass encountered an issue when trying to import using the "~" symbol from the node_modules directory

I am currently developing a single-page web application using Angular 6, and I recently integrated the ngx-toast library into my project.

However, I encountered an issue when trying to load the libraries by adding the following Sass code with the "~" symbol instead of using a relative path:

// regular style toast 
@import '~ngx-toastr/toastr.css';

// bootstrap style toast 
// or import a bootstrap 4 alert styled design (SASS ONLY) 
// should be after your bootstrap imports, it uses bs4 variables, mixins, functions 
@import '~ngx-toastr/toastr-bs4-alert';

// if you'd like to use it without importing all of bootstrap it requires 
@import '~bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import '~bootstrap/scss/variables';
@import '~bootstrap/scss/mixins';
@import '~ngx-toastr/toastr-bs4-alert';

Fortunately, changing the paths to include the relative location resolved the issue:

// regular style toast 
@import '../../node_modules/ngx-toastr/toastr.css';

// bootstrap style toast 
// or import a bootstrap 4 alert styled design (SASS ONLY) 
// should be after your bootstrap imports, it uses bs4 variables, mixins, functions 
@import '../../node_modules/ngx-toastr/toastr-bs4-alert';

// if you'd like to use it without importing all of bootstrap it requires 
@import '../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/functions';
@import '../../node_modules/bootstrap/scss/mixins';
@import '../../node_modules/ngx-toastr/toastr-bs4-alert';

Do you have any suggestions on how to improve this setup?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Answer №1

According to the documentation for SASS, using ~ will reference the src/ folder when importing SCSS files. In order for Angular to include the node_modules/ path when importing sass files, we can utilize the stylePreprocessorOptions property in angular.json.

"styles": [
"stylePreprocessorOptions": {
  "includePaths": [

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