Footer mysteriously collapses despite being set to a fixed size + odd performance

I've been working on a web page that features a fixed Navigation bar and Footer for logging information. Both the content and the footer are designed to scroll if needed. Thanks to some experimentation and the valuable input from those who responded to my previous question, I have managed to develop the code showcased at the end of this post, utilizing Bootstrap 4 and jQuery.

However, an issue has arisen where the footer diminishes in size when I manually resize the text area. Ideally, I would like to have a scrollbar appear exclusively on the main content, while the footer should remain unchanged.

Additionally, upon adding some extra lines to the main content, I observed that the content overflows beyond the designated area (the text extends beyond the beige section). Yet, when I adjust the text area's size, the content realigns within the beige background.

Can anyone pinpoint what error I might be making?

Link to the updated Fiddle: Fiddle

For reference, you can view my initial query here: here

<!-- Paste your HTML code here -->

Answer №1

When resizing a flex element, the others will also resize accordingly. To prevent the footer from resizing, add the classes "flex-shrink-0" and "flex-grow-0", and set the flex-basis of the footer to 100px.

<footer class="container-fluid overflow-auto flex-shrink-0 flex-grow-0">
footer {
  background: lightgreen;
  height: 100px; 
  flex-basis: 100px;

To change the overflowing part to beige, you can replace

<div class="col-10 d-flex flex-column" style="background-color: bisque;">


<div class="row flex-grow-1" style="background-color: beige;">


<div class="col-10 d-flex flex-column" style="background-color: bisque; position: absolute;">


<div class="row flex-grow-1" style="background-color: beige; position: relative;">

Answer №2

footer {
  background: lightgreen;
  min-height: 4rem;
  max-height: 4rem;

This code should function without any issues!

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