IntelliJ automation in Java does not allow clicking the button

Currently, I am on the PayPal page and I need to automate clicking the agree button.

<form id="ryiForm" class="proceed ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-class="{true: 'validated'}[validated]" ng-submit="confirm.$valid && onPay()" novalidate="novalidate" name="confirm">

    <!--         {@if cond="'{data.updated}' === 'bmlSuccess'" }         -->
    <!--         ngIf: merchantMsg         -->
    <div class="reviews ng-scope" ng-if="merchantMsg"></div>
    <!--         end ngIf: merchantMsg         -->
    <!--         ngIf: showShippingAddress         -->
    <div class="reviews"></div>
    <div class="offers"></div>
    <!--        inc/bmlLearnMore        -->
    <!--        Action button         -->
    <!--         ngIf: showPaypalPolicies         -->
    <p class="paypalPoliciesLink disclaimer ng-binding ng-scope" ng-if="showPaypalPolicies" data-ng-bind-html="htmlContent('memberReview.viewPaypalPolicies')"></p>
    <!--         end ngIf: showPaypalPolicies         -->
    <!--         checkoutSession.isRT need to review this         -->
    <!--         ngIf: showReviewLater         -->
    <!--         ngIf: checkoutSession.isAuthRequired         -->
    <!--         ngIf: showPolicyAgreement         -->
    <!--         ngIf: showFixedButton()         -->
    <div id="button" class="buttons reviewButton">
        <input id="confirmButtonTop" class="btn full confirmButton continueButton" type="submit" ng-click="setValidated()" value="Agree & Continue" track-submit=""></input>

    <!-- ngIf: checkoutSession.plan.soft_descriptor -->
    <!-- ngIf: checkoutSession.displayBankChargeDisclaimer…   -->
    <!-- ngIf: checkoutAppData.flags.billing_address_conse…  -->
    <!-- ngIf: checkoutSession.plan.isAuthSignupEnabled ||…-->
    <!-- ngIf: checkoutAppData.flags.display_buyer_email_p… -->


In order to click the element with id=button on this page, I have tried using xpath, css, and id for all elements, but I always encounter the error "Element is not clickable at point (353, 447). Other element would receive the click: ..."

Below is my code:

 public static WebElement agreeButton;
WebDriver driver;

public PaypalReviewPage(WebDriver driver) {
    this.driver = driver;

public void completePaypal() {;

If anyone has a solution, please help. Thank you.

Answer №1

After making a minor code adjustment,

public boolean processPaypalPayment() throws Exception {
try {
    WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 60);
    WebElement PayPalAgreeContinueBtn = wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//*[@id='confirmButtonTop']")));;
    return true;
} catch (Exception e) {

    return false;


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