Failure of ngClass in Angular 7 due to the presence of multiple classes (spaces)

Many frontend frameworks have a practice of encapsulating their CSS styling by adding another class as a prefix.

For example, in Bootstrap: btn btn-primary where btn is the prefix.

If I were to conditionally apply this using [ngClass] in Angular, it would cause an issue:

<div [ngClass]="{'btn btn-primary': booleanVar, 'btn btn-danger': !booleanVar}"></div>

This problem can be solved easily by extracting the common class like this:

<div class="btn" [ngClass]="{'btn-primary': booleanVar, 'btn-danger': !booleanVar}"></div>
Voilà, now there are no spaces in the conditions and Angular approves.

Now let's apply this concept to Font Awesome icons, where prefixes can be found here.

Style       Prefix  Example 
Solid       fas     <i class="fas fa-igloo"></i>    
Regular     far     <i class="far fa-igloo"></i>    
Light       fal     <i class="fal fa-igloo"></i>    
Brands      fab     <i class="fab fa-font-awesome"></i> 

1st question: Can you use spaces in a conditional query? If so, how?

2nd question: (If the first question is not possible) How would you handle a situation where the prefix is not static (like in the case of Font Awesome)?

Answer №1

Upon further investigation, I have confirmed that using spaces is acceptable.

Therefore, the following code snippet should be functional:

<div [ngClass]="{'btn btn-primary': booleanVar, 'btn btn-danger': !booleanVar}></div>

Additionally, you have the option to utilize this format as well:

[ngClass]="booleanVar ? 'btn-primary': 'btn-danger'"

Answer №2

The process is completed on a class by class basis:

[ngClass]="{'btn': true, 'btn-primary': booleanVar, 'btn-danger': !booleanVar}"

Answer №3

Today I encountered a similar issue while working on an Angular 7 project. After some investigation, I identified the root of the problem. While ngClass allows for adding multiple space-separated classes, if the same class appears in multiple conditions, it may be removed if one of the later conditions is false. For instance:

<span [ngClass]="{
    'fas fa-book': val === 1, 
    'fas fa-eye': val === 2, 
    'far fa-star': val === 3 }">

If val === 3, there are no issues. However, if val === 1, the fas class will be removed. Similarly, if val === 2, the fas class will be momentarily removed and then added back again, functioning correctly.

In my observation, the classes are executed sequentially, with true conditions adding classes and false conditions removing all classes associated with that element. While I have not directly viewed Angular 7 code, my experiments support this theory.

For scenarios where the same class appears in multiple conditions, one solution is to rearrange the code so shared classes are located in different conditions, like this:

<span [ngClass]="{
    'fas': val === 1 || val === 2,
    'fa-book': val === 1, 
    'fa-eye': val === 2, 
    'far fa-star': val === 3 }">

For a demonstration of the issue, refer to this Plunkr: (adjust the "val" value inside app.ts. The first span will not work for 1, but will work for 2 and 3)

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