Customizing the color of a select dropdown in Bootstrap using CSS styling

I am having difficulty changing the default blue color for Bootstrap select dropdowns.

Despite trying :hover and :active selectors on both option and select, I have not been successful in making the desired changes.

Could anyone provide insight regarding what happens when a user clicks on a select dropdown in Bootstrap? Additionally, which CSS selector should be used to modify:

  1. the blue color displayed when hovering over options?
  2. the border color that appears when the dropdown is opened?

The relevant code snippet is as follows:

<select name="product_table_length" aria-controls="product_table" class="">
    <option value="10">10</option>
    <option value="25">25</option>
    <option value="50">50</option>
    <option value="100">100</option>

It should be noted that Bootstrap and Datatables are being utilized simultaneously (though the relevance of the latter may not be clear).

Answer №1

The appearance of dropdown lists for selects varies depending on the device being used. Each device has its unique design, which can only be modified by incorporating JavaScript code to allow for customization.

To achieve a customized look, you can start with basic HTML code for a list that you style according to your preferences. Then, create a functional dropdown menu that is initially hidden (or use a hidden input). Finally, set up JavaScript events such as "onclick" to update the value of your hidden field when interactions occur.

For an example, check out codrops

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